Award-winning VR project with Cornelsen and Samsung VR@school

The teaching of learning content should be made more digital and therefore more attractive for pupils. The technology used must be suitable for pupils in year 7 and be controllable by a teacher.
When developing a digital learning application for the classroom, there are various requirements and perspectives to consider. Pupils need an application that conveys complex learning content in a fun and clear way. Technology should support this, but not be the focus. Teachers must be able to control the teaching units and provide assistance.
As digital learning applications have hardly been used in school lessons to date, it is important to keep the barriers to technology as low as possible by ensuring that the application runs reliably and is intuitive to use.
evrbit has created a "plug & play" application that consists of a tablet and VR glasses. The students work together in teams of two and complete the tasks together. The teacher can use their own tablet to view the status and progress of individual teams and intervene if necessary.
There is a separate network environment for the application, which means that the tablets also work without the Internet.
To accompany the 6-month project, Cornelsen commissioned a study to test the effectiveness of digital learning. The results of the study showed that a memory effect of up to 70 percent occurs when learning is accompanied by digital aids.

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